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6 steps to unlock your maximum potential

maximum potential

01. Evaluating Life’s GPA: A Tool for Personal Growth

In a world where self-improvement is a constant pursuit, the concept of a ‘Greatness Performance Assessment’ (GPA) offers a unique framework to evaluate and enhance one’s life. This innovative approach divides life into three core areas: Business & Career, Relationships, and Wellness, each scored on a scale from 1 to 10 based on personal agreement with specific statements.

Business & Career: Reflect on your professional passion, income satisfaction, positive impact, goal progression, and a 3-year growth plan. Scoring yourself honestly can reveal your current standing, ranging from ‘Rebuilding’ to ‘Championship level’. For instance, a score of 7.8 indicates being ‘Playoff bound’, a sign of significant achievement and potential for further success.

Relationships: Assess the health of family and partner relationships, social engagement, investment in connections, communication quality, and a 3-year relationship growth plan. A score of 6.8, for example, places you in the ‘Winning’ category, suggesting strong, fulfilling bonds.

Wellness: Consider your physical health, nutritional choices, sleep quality, mental health practices, and a 3-year health improvement plan. A lower score, such as 4.0, might indicate a need for ‘Rebuilding’ in this vital area.

The GPA exercise is more than a self-assessment; it’s a call to action. It prompts the realization of the importance of clear goals and the areas of life that require attention. For the creator of this method, it led to a commitment to achieving peak physical condition in 2024, inspired by insights from the book ‘Outlive’ and advice from health experts.

2. The Power of a Meaningful Mission: A Compass for Success

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The journey to greatness often begins with a single step: defining a meaningful mission. This concept, drawn from interviews with 1,500 successful individuals, suggests that the absence of a clear mission is a significant barrier to success. A meaningful mission acts as a North Star, guiding decisions and providing a sense of direction.

Discovering Your Mission: The process starts with introspection. Ask yourself what excites you, what strengths you possess, and what problems you’re passionate about solving. This ‘3Ps’ framework—Passion, Power, and Problem—can help crystallize your mission. Passion involves activities that ignite your enthusiasm, power relates to your innate talents, and problem focuses on the issues you feel compelled to address.

The Importance of Goals: Setting goals is crucial. They don’t have to be set in stone; they can evolve as you do. But having them gives you something to strive for. Earl Nightingale’s definition of success as moving towards a desired goal underscores the importance of knowing what you want.

Living Intentionally: With a clear mission, you can structure your life more intentionally. Katie Milkman, a behavioral scientist, emphasizes that clarity of purpose can lead to a sense of greatness. When your life aligns with your mission, every step feels significant.

Taking Action: Identifying your mission is just the beginning. It’s about taking steps towards it, making progress, and feeling fulfilled in the pursuit. The happiness derived from chasing a meaningful goal is profound.

Your Mission: So, what’s your mission? If you’re unsure, consider what you would do if money were no object. Reflect on what drives you beyond financial gain. Write down your thoughts, create a rough draft of your mission, and let it guide you.

In summary, a meaningful mission is not just about achieving success; it’s about the journey toward it. It’s about finding joy in the pursuit and allowing your personal North Star to illuminate the path to a life you love.

3. Writing Your Obituary: A Life-Defining Exercise for Personal Mission

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Writing your obituary is a profound exercise that can help you define your life’s mission and legacy. It’s a tool for self-reflection, encouraging you to consider the impact you want to have on the world and how you wish to be remembered. Here’s how you can approach this introspective task:

  1. Longevity: Decide how long you want to live.
  2. Mission: Identify the meaningful mission you aim to accomplish.
  3. Legacy: Contemplate what others will say about your most outstanding achievements.
  4. Eulogy: Reflect on what your loved ones will say about you.

Example of a Legacy: Take Mr. Jonny, who envisioned himself as a great teacher, touching millions with his integrated approach to life, combining science and philosophy. His legacy is one of inspiration, education, and a holistic lifestyle that resonates with people globally.

Personal Touch: Ali’s intelligence was balanced with humility, making everyone feel important and understood. His work, while profound, was accessible and inspiring, encouraging others to believe in their ability to change their lives.

Family First: Despite his global influence, Ali prioritized his family, maintaining close connections until his peaceful passing at home, surrounded by loved ones.

Your Obituary: This exercise isn’t just about the end; it’s about the present. It’s a chance to align your daily actions with your ultimate goals. By writing your obituary, you set a direction for your life that is meaningful and fulfilling.

4. The Perfect Day Inventory: Crafting the Life You Want

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Do you find yourself drifting through life, unsure of what your ideal existence looks like? The Perfect Day Inventory (PDI) is a powerful exercise that can bring clarity. It’s about intentionally designing a day that aligns with your vision and values.

How to Do the PDI

  1. Ask Big Questions: Think about how you want your days to look and feel. What brings you joy and fulfillment? Who do you want to be surrounded by?
  2. Write Your Ideal Day Itinerary: Get detailed! Include wake-up times, work, exercise, socializing – whatever makes your perfect day.
  3. Try the Ideal Week Variation: Expand your vision. What does a fulfilling week look like? How often do you want date nights or time with friends?

Why the PDI Matters

Society often dictates how we “should” live. The PDI helps you break free from that. By consciously deciding what you want, you’ll avoid drifting and live a life that’s authentically yours.

5. Conquering the Fear of Judgment

We all fear judgment. The worry of what others think can hold us back. But as Robin Sharma says, “A bad day for the ego is a good day for the soul.” To move forward, we need to shift our focus from ourselves to how we can serve others.

From Fear to Service Initially, I was too scared to put myself out there online. But the desire to help others helped me overcome that fear. Now, I believe that if my work can potentially help one person, it’s worth sharing.

Bumblers vs. Pointers Are you a “bumbler” (someone in the arena, trying and failing and trying again), or a “pointer” (someone who criticizes from the sidelines)? True achievement comes from action, not judgment.

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Ask Better Questions The questions we ask ourselves shape our lives. Instead of asking “How do I get people to like me?”, focus on questions that empower you!

Consistency is Key Seth Goden’s commitment to daily blog posts is inspiring. Consistency removes the debate, freeing our energy to create.

The Takeaway Don’t let judgment paralyze you. Focus on serving others, embrace the act of “bumbling”, ask yourself better questions, and find power in consistency.

06. Unlock Your Greatness: 5 Powerful Journaling Prompts 

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Ready to tap into your full potential? Consider these five journaling prompts inspired by the “Game Plan for Greatness” philosophy:

  • Purity: What changes if I live 100% authentically?
  • Priority: How would I double my goals in 30 days? (List 3 actions)
  • Possibility: What becomes possible if I achieve my dream of…?
  • Passion: How would it FEEL to accomplish my mission of…?
  • Prosperity: If money were no object, what would I do next?

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